About Us
Jim Citarella- Master Plumber
I was accepted into the plumbers local union 1 at 19 years old, as I had decided that college wasn’t for me. During that time, I met a lot of great people/ plumbers who taught me life lessons and plumbing skills. In the union we have a 5 year apprenticeship program which is responsible for developing some of the best and brightest plumbers in NY. An educated plumber is better than a self taught plumber any day of the week. In my young career I worked for a company by the name of Botto Mechanical, a family-owned union shop that focused on commercial plumbing in Manhattan.
After 10 years of proving myself and learning my trade I was given the opportunity to foreman bigger jobs and more important projects, which I did for 12 more years. In 2009 I started my own business and started applying my plumbing skills & knowledge in residential homes in Long island. I enjoy plumbing and am thankful that I have developed the skillset to own and operate my own business.

The next step
I then decided that I needed to be more successful in life and try to be in control of my own destiny. A buddy and I started J&E Plumbing and Heating of Long Island. At this point two jobs was too much so if your going to do something ...do it. On January 1, 2018, I didn’t go back to work and took this thing on full bore. My buddy stayed where he was comfortable making his salary which was good. I decided to grow this very active business. Today, we have 10 plumbers and 2 clerical employees. We strive on doing the best job day in and out. We do jobs to impress people, inspectors and contractors. We are always trying to hire and obtain the best employees. Our goal is to be the best plumbing contractor on Long Island.